Adiós: My Backyard Stars Poem by Nika McGuin

Adiós: My Backyard Stars

I: Proto-star

My backyard stars
shine brightly tonight
they know that soon
I'll pack my bags for Mexico
they won't be seeing me
and even I don't know
for how long

For the longest time
they watched my struggle
as every window opened
in my prison-like bedroom
got instantly shut closed

And the stars sighed
the farthest off sighs
as I walked on for miles
or so it seemed, and arrived
right back where I'd started
a room with blinds shut tight

recently, every night they've beamed
as I sped towards old dreams -
nearly forgotten dreams - on wheels
as dark as the midnight skies
the desolation of yesterday
drawn into a giant black hole
and gone

II: Supernova

My backyard stars
we met at the age of five
only now to say goodbye at that of twenty-five
or rather adiós, and at that they do sigh
but their hot little hearts still shine
both in fear and hope for me
and I feel the same, tenfold

For I know not what awaits me,
'cept for homesickness and possible loneliness
but my Sagittarius-esque hope has always
been stronger than any mundane fears
those can't and won't keep me from
what I've wanted for countless years

'entonces, adiós mis estrellitas del patio trasero,
nos vemos en otra vida'

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: travel
The closing statement translated: 'Goodbye my little backyard stars, we'll see each other in another life'
Daniel Brick 22 January 2015

This was the first listed of your new poems, but for some reason I consciously decided to read it last. You have always had a way if animating inanimate object. I remember a poem about fear you felt in your house's kitchen that turned out to be something ordinary, but the fear you generated in that poem was real. And your poem last spring about you Mom and grandma painting the front door made that door symbolic of the whole family's existence in love and time. So I'm not surprised to feel eyes staring at you from within those steps, and even an expression of sadness on the steps. This is a tender poem in which your excitement and apprehension are underplayed and the presence of the back steps in your life take the foreground. There is something very reassuring about the immobility of the steps: People use them to come and go in their constant movement, but the steps - people's threshold for homecoming or adventure beyond home - are always there faithful and responsive.

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