Adverts! Adverts! Adverts! Poem by Denis Martindale

Adverts! Adverts! Adverts!

One advert I can tolerate,
But many more I tend to hate,
And those repeated make me sad,
Except for discounts, then I'm glad.
Most of the adverts waste my time,
Though some contain their share of rhyme,
It's then I listen to their style,
While hoping they can make me smile.

Sometimes they won't, sometimes they will,
Sometimes like rap these overkill,
Yet there's still talent to be found,
And even skills that can astound.
I like the songs the adverts use,
But some of these I'd never choose,
Some are too fast, with some too slow,
Some are from years so long ago.

Celebrities get often seen,
In adverts on my TV screen,
Young girls with teeth that shine like pearls
And fluffed-up hair with styling curls.
The sci-fi adverts make my day,
The cartoon adverts are OK,
But most of all, great discounts win,
As times are hard and times are lean.

Like Scrooge, I've found I love to save,
My life, without this, would be grave,
As I can't buy the stuff they sell
Unless I keep spare cash as well.
When Christmas comes, I save a lot,
With items bought upon the spot,
From all the cash saved every year,
Comes Christmas gifts and Christmas cheer!

Saturday, October 2, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: television
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