Alankar (Decor) -12 Poem by Indira Renganathan

Alankar (Decor) -12

Planning Of A Housewife
(Sonnets-shakespearen and petrarchan style

Shakespearean sonnet-
made up of 3 quatrains and ending in a rhymed couplet.
metric, written in iambic pentameter.
rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg.

The defining features of the Italian or Petrarchan Sonnets are:
a single quatorzain made up of an octave followed by a sestet.
metered, iambic pentameter.The octave made up of envelope quatrains rhymed abba abba is followed by a sestet made up of 2 tercets with a choice of envelope, chained or alternate rhyme. cdccdc or cdecde or cdcdcd.


I plan this way that way, no way it works
Jumbled my chores a waste confuse undone
Rushing it starts a day berserk just quirks
No day perfect as wished nothing well done
I am worried for I am not perfect
So new I plan with sense a time-table
Expenditure, work time well schemed just right
Refreshed my life revised I feel able
Abiding by my own rules I am brisk
Running with the clock restless well all done
But then..restless running now stirs to frisk
Fatigued I feel so much senseless my run

So I rest, I muse whymy plans just break
I learn, need rest then and then to betake


But all is not well always as we think
Just guess who can impair my brainy plan
In pour and pour next and next kinship clan
I can't but I should so I smile and blink
Chopping, cooking, serving, cleaning fine link
Chatting eating taking more time with clan
Fatigued I feel again is wrongmy plan
So I rethink, rethink why I so sink

I rest, I muse whymy plans go so wrong
Learn I should part with and spare time for guest
As such I muse revise my new day-song
So that I spend and rest and spend my best
In peace and joy at ease all well so strong
Then my days each go smooth in bliss best blest


But all is not well always as we like
Just guess what goes wrong against my wishing
Fate, my folks one by onefall sick alike
Sick home in need of my caring helping
You should ask not about the maid servant
Hopeless creatures pretend to work cheating
Helpless me yet have her as assistant
Needy standby in time of call waiting
Viral febrile season infests hell-like
I know I should take care well attending
And me caution myself of sick alike
Calpol, crocin, all pills me depending

But then..timeless running now stirs to frisk
My fate, I rest, reset, replan more brisk


But all is not well always as we hope
Just guess what snubs all my wishful efforts
Fate, wishers throng in to preach like experts
Busy, busy with tea me just aslope
Bidding bye then giddy me fall down grope
Only lucky persons are blest experts
Why then my sprained legs fail all my efforts
Bed rest makes me muse to replan with hope

But then..God's wish reminds me of something
Journeys, perhaps sacred are not counted
Every plan each missing my traveling
Relaxed my mind musing bed arrested
Well me with heart refreshed revise planning
Rest and guest and sick and travels counted

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