All The Lesbian I Need Poem by Ramona Thompson

All The Lesbian I Need

An erotic parody of Whitney Houston's All The Man I Need

I used to lie myself to sleep at night
But that was before all
Before she came
I thought love had to be straight to turn out right
But now she's here
And she's turned me queer
I'll never be the same
I know
I don't ever wanna be the same

She never lets me give up
She gives me love so unconditional
More unconditional then anyone ever has before
Even better then my last boyfriend, Scott
Don't give a damn what any of you in this world thinks
'Cause ever since my friends and my family all turned their backs on me
She's all I've got in this world
She's all the lesbian that I need

And in times of sadness and lonliness
She kisses my dreams awake
Never lets me down
When in the middle of the night she rocks my body slow
And in the evening when the mood between us is high
She holds me tight and whispers
'Baby, oh baby, no matter what this world does.'
'No matter what they say.'
'I won't let go.'
'I'll never let go.'


2008 Ramona Thompson

Shihabudheen K J 09 February 2014

really dare.......written.........your frank mentality has to be really appreciated remona

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