All-In-All Poem by Joe Fraccalvieri


As I walked on this earth… The place of my birth
I looked up, I looked down… To my left and my right…
I looked all around… Through the daylight and night
Surrounded by sound… I decided to write

There was just enough fear… Just enough fright
It all became clear, allowing my mind to take flight
And here's what I found, in both black and white….

The ground had just the right amount of trees
With the right amount of limbs
Not too many-- not too few
Each of the limbs had just enough leaves
And upon every leaf was the right amount of dew

All-in-all, it seemed fair and alright
A bit of a breeze as the butterflies flew
But just enough air to fly a new kite

Above the trees there was sky, with just enough clouds
that slowly floated by… Just enough blue
with the right amount of light… Just the right hue
at just the right height

And above the sky were the stars…
Some were dim… Some more bright…
Some seemed old… Some were new…
Tiny, twinkling, pinpoints of light
stuck into space as if held there by glue

And beyond the stars-- just out of sight--
Looking back on creation
There was You-- Creator of all-- Light of the light
With all of your mercy… All of your might
You watched our world closely
as we slept through the night

We lay in our beds… Not having a clue
But You were kind when we slept
as the night went away and the day became new

Our minds full of dreams and of secrets we kept
in a way that others of us never thought of or knew
Yet You were sad, and You wept…
Was it because that our thoughts were not upon you?

Still… You watched over us… You loved us that much,
not making a fuss

Because-- You are God… And that's what You do!

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