An Almost Perfect Man Poem by Francis Duggan

An Almost Perfect Man

He is in his late sixties one might say getting old
Though the story of his life's journey it may never be told
Yet for one of sixty seven he looks fit and okay
He jogs before his breakfast a few miles every day.

Tall gray haired and not bad looking and on him not one ounce of fat
He does not need viagra his ageing wife will tell you that
For his age he's quite virile to her bowling friends she does confide
His manhood not in question though time's not on his side.

He doesn't smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol of his health he takes good care
One might say quite health conscious and men like him are rare
To his wife he is devoted she says life has been good to me
I'm married to an almost pefect man how lucky can one be.

Not all women are so lucky as many women know
The marriage rate is dropping as divorce numbers grow
And faithful men are hard to find so jilted women say
Few married couples it would seem together for life stay

He is in his late sixties his hair is silver gray
He is an almost perfect man or so 'twould seem that way
At least his wife says he's near perfect of him she feels so proud
They've been together for many years and she sings his praises loud.

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