An Apprehension Poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

An Apprehension

Rating: 2.9

IF all the gentlest-hearted friends I know
Concentred in one heart their gentleness,
That still grew gentler till its pulse was less
For life than pity,--I should yet be slow
To bring my own heart nakedly below
The palm of such a friend, that he should press
Motive, condition, means, appliances,

My false ideal joy and fickle woe,
Out full to light and knowledge; I should fear
Some plait between the brows, some rougher chime
In the free voice. O angels, let your flood
Of bitter scorn dash on me ! do ye hear
What I say who hear calmly all the time
This everlasting face to face with GOD ?

M Asim Nehal 29 April 2016

Awesome poem.....Loved it.

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Kevin Patrick 29 April 2016

A wonderful work, it sounds so joyous but when read there is a deeper sense of sadness evoked behind the meaning of the words. My favorite part is the last bit O angels, let your flood Of bitter scorn dash on me! do ye hear What I say who hear calmly all the time This everlasting face to face with GOD? Sad but also warming, her words still have everlasting power.

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Edward Kofi Louis 05 November 2016

Gentlest-hearted friends! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Tom Billsborough 05 November 2016

Sadness and joy. What a beautiful poem from a great poet.

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Indira Renganathan 05 November 2016

very touching...specially the last two lines-10

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Muzahidul Reza 05 November 2017

That still grew gentler till its pulse was less For life than pity, - I should yet be slow, ........ well done

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 05 November 2017

Another magnificent poem from one of the most accomplished poets of all time.

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Bharati Nayak 05 November 2017

My false ideal joy and fickle woe, Out full to light and knowledge; I should fear Some plait between the brows, some rougher chime In the free voice. O angels, let your flood Of bitter scorn dash on me! do ye hear What I say who hear calmly all the time This everlasting face to face with GOD? - - - - - -It is faith in divine power or the true knowledge that makes one calm in the face of all hurdles.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 05 November 2017

Beautiful creation. Amazing poem.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 05 November 2017

Such a great poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning....

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