An Old Photo Of His Dad Poem by Jim Yerman

An Old Photo Of His Dad

He happened across an old photo of his dad the other day and immediately remembered the advice he use to give…on a host of different subjects but mostly…how to live:

Things like:

Make friends with the Earth…with her mountains, her oceans…her rivers…and her seas…with every creature she created…with her flowers and her trees.

When your world is moving too fast and questions and self-doubt are everywhere…take a leisurely walk among the stars…you'll be amazed at the answers awaiting you there.

Be courageous and loving, forgiving and compassionate…even on days when you find yourself in situations where it is difficult to be kind.

Be kind! because every act of kindness whether you know it or not…plants a seed
a seed of love and love is something the world shall always need

Laugh whenever you can…don't let one happy moment pass you by…and when you're sad…be sad…allow yourself to cry.

Treat everyone the same in all you say and do…remember everyone you meet is just a different kind of you.

He knew words of advice were easy to hear but it's often difficult to heed them…so he offered his eyes, his ears, and his hands if ever he should need them:

When you need someone to talk to throughout the coming years…
I will always be available to hear your hopes, your dreams…your fears.

When you do not need advice…you just want someone to hear…to understand…
I will listen quietly…I will be there to hold your hand.

And if you ever forget what love looks like…since love is the ultimate prize…
wherever you are…come find me…you will see it in my eyes.

He smiled looking back….remembering a father who was kind, compassionate and wise…
and glad in that old photo…he could still find the love in his dad's his eyes.

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