Arms Of Destiny Poem by Mike Faulkner

Arms Of Destiny

Into the arms of destiny,
From the womb of life.
We fight to expire.
The world brought upon hatred,
Into ones own heart.
Must we continue to battle ourselves
For control of ones own mind?
Pain surges through us like electricty
Through the ever down pour of life.

What will you do?
If life fights you for control.
What will you do?
If your mind disappears into the darkness of your thoughts.
What will you do?

The labrynth of our mind
Is ever escaping the grip we hold onto it.
Will we lose control of the constant chaos in our mind?
Will we maintain control?
Will we rebuild ourselves to fight the new threat
Of darkness embarking into the ever ending venture known as our mind?
Will we hurt ourselves to combet the constant voices?
Will we let them win?

Fighting tor ones own survival with ones own thoughts,
Is it what we pride ourselves on as humans?
We continue to fight others for the right to think,
Yet when we think, we plan on ending it all.
Is it our right to think of such expenditures?
Is it our right to fight for our own survival,
When it is no longer survival?
Our constant sorrow placed into the world
Pushes us to believe there is no hope.
No hope for the future,
No hope for our dreams,
No hope for the constant thoughts to go away.

The pain of our hearts will never go awa.
No matter how many bandages or how much time passes.
But when we fight amongst ourselves,
The pain only increases.
The experience of death is thought as a eurphoric experience,
Finally getting a chance to end all the pain,
All the heartache,
All the thoughts,
All the fear.

But we realize, the pain of death is not what we want.
We realize we no longer want to die,
We realize life is what we want,
We want another chance to prove to the world,
We are not as weak as it percieves.
That we are not just a number,
We are not just another statistic,
We are not just another human.

The world pushes us further and further,
We begin to fight back,
We begin to take control of everythong once again,
We begin to push the tortured thoughts out.
We've fought the world, what will you do?

This was a poem I wrote, during a very dark period of my life. Suicide was a thought that crossed my mind quite a lot during this time...
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Mike Faulkner

Mike Faulkner

Baltimore, MD
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