Beauty And The Beast Poem by Austin Dorrell

Beauty And The Beast

Rating: 4.8

Some may ask, 'What is love? '
True love is something not easily lost
like a crisp morning frost.
It is often a imagined as a dove,
so elegant, pure, without fault
gliding through the air never to hault.
Some may say it is as a priceless jewel,
that one will fight just to hold
with a zeal that never grows cold.
Say it is complete happiness shared.
joy abounds when you are aside.
Wracked with grief when paths don't collide.
True love is a rarity and if truely found
In that one alone true joy will abound.
I have never found true love.
I know i will find it down the road,
I know some princess will kiss this toad.
Till then i shall wait patiently,
my Beauty will find me at last
and see the good this beast trully hast.
So do not throw your love away.
Or if it has not been found don't lose heart,
for every day is a new start.

Tanya Stanford 26 August 2008

This poem is so beautiful. What a lovely way to look at love. I am also waiting for that special one. Hope you post more. I really enjoyed reading this one.10/10

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