Beyond Age And Perfection Poem by Paul Hartal

Beyond Age And Perfection

Rating: 5.0

Numbers don't rust. 
They bask in the sunshine,
or hide in the dark and they remain ageless.
As concepts, integers and numerals,
they dwell in a mysterious realm
of eternal ideas
that transcend both mind and space.

Furthermore,  some numbers are
more interesting and unique than others.
Take, for example, the integer 6.
Its divisors are 1,2 and 3,
and these also add up to 6.
Mathematicians regard this digit
as a perfect number.

According to the Biblical story in Genesis,
God created the world in six days.
Saint Augustine thought 
that in planning to create our world
God chose to make it in six days
because this number is perfect.
Well, although 6 might be a perfect number,
the world is still not consummate.

Now, the notion of 'tikun olam',
Hebrew for repairing the world,
is relevant here. Tikun olam
is a pivotal concept in Judaism.
According to it,
God deliberately
created the world imperfect
and therefore the divine act of creation
is incomplete.

In this regards
let us bear in mind
that we are all our brothers' keepers
and responsible for each other.
And so, it is the duty
of all Men and Women,
as partners in the act of creation,
to ameliorate the human condition,
and to make the world perfect.

Anat Tour 14 April 2021

A perfect number and a perfect poem ❤️

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