Blood, The Drop Which Is So Precious..... Poem by Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Blood, The Drop Which Is So Precious.....

It can form in to drops but not meant to drip
It can not be balled or galled, and never be rolled
It is truly red by far, yet, not dangerous
On the contrary, of all, it is preponderant

It is thick, nonetheless it can flow
Looks like non-living, yet no life sans it
It has a mass, but not amassed
It is unique in that, it has an identity

It can not be made, only born, it is
It is a kind of a fluid yet, not meant for free flow
Unlike other fluids blood is born for a function
This, nothing in the world can substitute with

It has just one birth, nevertheless many deaths, it faces
Unlike other fluids, blood has counts
If that is not taken in to account
One may go black out and get knocked out

One rare thing that is not found in mart
Those who have, can easily spare, unharmed
Yet, many beings do need it, in grave situations
Donation is the only way, to fulfill such needs

Be a Blood Donor!
Be a Life Saver!

Friday, January 16, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: Blood Donor
We in Sri Lanka has a long heritage of blood donation, which is considered as a great meritorious act any average person can engage on. Month January being the international month for blood donation, PH's commitment to spread the idea should be greatly appreciated. I hope my poem, in the smallest possible manner, will contribute to the noble course.
Dimitrios Galanis 23 December 2015

I admired the conception.

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Pranab K Chakraborty 20 January 2015

It has just one birth, nevertheless many deaths, it faces... ending with uniquely matched approach.

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Walasmulla, Sri Lanka
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