Bloody Handprints: Version 3 Poem by Rebecca Hall

Bloody Handprints: Version 3

I stand outside
Their bedroom window
Watching them move inside;

I can hear their laughing
In the back of my head;

Calling me names
Every name in the book;

That’s when everything
Went to the color
Of red;

As I pulled it out of
The pocket in my jacket
Pointing it at them;

I said,
“I know I’m not allowed to be here
But I had to see this happening.
So laugh at me one more time
But put your face inside the bed.”

I cocked the pistol
And pulled the trigger;

The screaming started
Never stopped
I turned to her;

“Was all this worth it
Knowing you had just
Seconds left to live.
Put your face inside the bed.”

I cocked the pistol
And pulled the trigger;

I saw their bodies
Slowly stroking her arm
As I dropp the pistol to the floor
Running as fast as I can

To the city creek
Stripping me of my clothes
I dump them
Digging a hole
I bury the bodies;

I drive home
In my beat up pick up;

I step into the shower
Turn on the water,
Turn off the water
Get out;

I look into the mirror
The monster looking back
At me;

I smash the mirror
With my fists
Blood splatters on my
New skin;

My mouth opens
As I laugh
With a knife in my hand
And everything goes black.

Serenity Prayer 31 May 2010

oh, ok. that clears up my question. lol. very good story! ! its short cuz its in poem format, but its really good! ! ! great job! ! !

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