Breast Cancer-Verison 1 Poem by Ramona Thompson

Breast Cancer-Verison 1

Bimbo done and went got herself sick so now I gotta jet
Run as fast and as far as I can before what I get what that no good ho's got
Empty headed little fool should have known better
All her fault that we're in this mess
She can't really expect me to still want her when all she's got left is one lousy tit
Tottally turns me off now to see all that naked hideous scar issue the docs left behind

Can't bring myself to touch anything or anyone so horribly flawed
All I feel now when I look at her now is sick to my stomach
No matter how hard I try to get myself aroused by her it just never seems to work
C words and diseases like this have always scared me too damn much to wanna stick around
Escape that's the only thought I got in my screwed up messed up brain right now
Riding on out and I swear I ain't never looking back again

Might make me look weak
Might make me seem less of a man
But I don't really care
Cos I don't really think given the same set of sorry circumstances
None of you fine upstanding wannabes would't do the same damn thing

2008 Ramona Thompson

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