Bridge To Bridge Poem by John A'Hern

Bridge To Bridge

Memories dance across our minds
Jolting us into times gone by.
Day to day memories surround,
Family, closely followed by places you visit,
Always with our forever friend.

Stand and look at scenery that astounds,
Other memories jump the queue,
Land of your birth waiting to welcome you.
Waiting for your announced return,
Returning for a visit long overdue.
Journey long and arduous,
Arrival brings a smile to our faces.

Bridge in view that will bring tears,
Views beyond, always near.
Onward, onward, get there faster,
Arrival at birthplace causes laughter.
Families, friends all waiting eagerly,
Visits, meal times all sorted early.

Where to start a joyful pleasure,
Visit haunts that were treasures.
Breathe the air, so happy to be here,
Now time to start that fateful journey.
Where you started life as a child,
Does the old home still exist?
Sometimes waiting for your return,
Other times, lots of doom and gloom.
Stand there looking at concrete and brick ruins,

Memory banks take over a slideshow starts,
You just sit back and enjoy.
Voices laughter fills the void;
Faces appear clear as day.
If only you could touch and have your say,

Time to turn and walk away.
Sadness presses itself upon you,
Bump into long lost friends, hugs, and kisses
Hold on tight to your forever friend,
Leaving this place, your heart it aches.
Back to where your future called,
Another bridge clearly seen from the air.
Your other country wants its say.

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: belonging,heart,travel,vision
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