Bus Stops Poem by John A'Hern

Bus Stops

Rating: 5.0

Bus stops the places of dreams
Nightmares for some it seems
Some have seats others do not
Weather inclement is it a plot

The gathering of the human souls
Some want to be there others not so
Characters abound in this scenario
Ghouls and goblins join occasionally
Play to the audience bow when finished

Off to work or out for a day
The people that gather can cause dismay
As darkness sets in the scene turns grim
Collars turned up, had enough of sin

Tutting and talking under breath considered OK
Eyes are darting left and right
Some of these characters can cause fright
Centre stage playing the fool

A glance a look is it cool
Eye contact avoided with the fools
The end of a day in a local forest
Brave face and attitude practised daily

Keep these fools at arm's length
Deep breaths are taken, brave face showing
Individual places are there for the holding
Then the bus turns up late

Lots of shouting bundled with hate
All aboard, seats plentiful the driver shouts
Driver looks in mirror shows disgust
Where did you all come from

The journey calls for trust
Dropping off at chosen stops
All the passengers thankful for their safety
Tomorrow arrives, practise to survive
Same old, same old just arrive

Friday, April 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: transport,terror,fearful,people
This poem came about after reading a poem written by Geoffrey Fafard, about some of Australia's deadly beasties. His main fear was not the beasties but standing at a Bus Stop. If you have not stood waiting at a bus stop late at night and met with the humanity that seem to haunt these places, you have not lived.
Geoffrey Fafard 14 April 2017

Oh John you do me an honour. Thank you. And what a great write.You have captured that exact feel I mentioned so well my friend. we both know the feeling of the late night bus stop.... It is going on my desktop to read and reread...! Cheers, Geoffrey.

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Paul Warren 14 April 2017

Modern Australia with a touch of Lawson - Second Class? Well done.

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John Ahern 14 April 2017

Hi Paul, it is Geoffrey who should receive the well done. As with i assume most who write poems, it takes a word or an experience, and there it is. Thank you for reading and commenting, appreciate it very much.

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