Bring Songs To Me Poem by Prince Rodoki

Bring Songs To Me

Sifting still through the past, at last
The crows have crowed on its wreckage.
Bring songs to me, birds of the African ties from tides
That sprouted and stunted undammed.
Sweet filial songs that brace my feet and feed
My eyes with maps of my existence…….

Breathe us life, none from its wreckage,
Give us anguish, a little for courage,
Let the hope that may stem from this courage
Help us dream in time's cloudy passage.

Blames our flames never claim, or fames
Our lights never prod, none tangles
Much as sly stories told by the heckler, the fetter
Of deception cuffs our nights
And made to wander, we wonder and ponder
The secret of a masquerade stalked, undoomed
By redemption scarce and free, where dainty gods mesmerize
The beauty of a wanton child in soliloquy!

Give us strength to span our length,
Grant us plight to fan the strength,
May the fumes from time's awful vent
Spur us on, never to relent…..

Bring songs to me, swift skater from the coast
Sweet filial songs that hoist the frost, fast
Into sebaceous skies;
Oil-drops raining on a scalp for the crown,
Glitters till death, none would frown
At the warlord posing as his clown…..

Bring songs to me, I pray the birds often
My tongue is quiet, hardened and thirsty.

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