Broken For A Final Time.... Vow To Never Again... Poem by K J

Broken For A Final Time.... Vow To Never Again...

You were among others, so clueless
Un-designed in your purity
The shadows that drenched you were
Merely a veil to the creature so adored
Everything was done so effortlessly
To include a world that tried to push you out
But you persevered and you stole my heart
Unintentionally but without request
You captured my heart

Innocently you called out
Slightly shocked by a hard, cold place
The sly experience of a deadened earth answered
And as effortlessly as you loved
He stole you away
…From me

But still you persevere continuously
Your heart may not make a sound,
But to my ear it beats strongly
A constant drum where drums
Cannot be heard
Yet from afar it calls to my love
In my dreams I hear it

I know you still live
Because I feel and respect your life
I know you can still know
How you captured my heart......
So tirelessly…
…So effortlessly

I’m dedicating this poem to you just to let you know one final time how much I love you, as I’m sure so many people do. Maybe you knew this already, but I’m going to tell you anyway, because none of this seems real right now. You were indeed infuriating at times and extremely annoying with your excesses and your cheating ways…the lies even, you know which ones I mean, but above all that, you were the most vibrant, beautiful and lively creature I have ever met. I will never know a time when I don’t miss you; because to me you were precious beyond emotion…you were a half-polished jewel broken too soon. As many tears as I have cried and all the tears of the other people who loved you, will never do you justice. I will miss you forever.......
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