Broken Glass Poem by Taylor Young

Broken Glass

Broken Glass

The broken glass I see on the floor tells me of your anger, the empty whine bottle next to it tells me of your pain. You lifeless body on the floor tells me of your suffering. You stand still only for more to hurt you. You dwell in the past so long, that you miss the future. When you try and to get back that of which you have missed, you miss so much more.

Tell me, for I want to know why you cry. Why you yell out in anger and hit the wall.

I leave for I don’t know what to do, but as I shut the door, I burst back in and run to your side. When you hurt, I hurt. When you cry, I cry. I feel you pain everyday.

I will be there for you till the end. You tell me to leave, I refuse and stay. You tell me to stop loving you, I reply “NEVER.” You tell me to let you die, and I hang on tighter. You tell me your sorry for hurting me, I forgive you and say, its ok.

The pain has faded away, the broken glass is no more.

By: Taylor Young

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