Built On Quicksand Poem by Lila Bet

Built On Quicksand

Rating: 4.5

It's like you died in my arms tonight
In our wondrous bejewelled golden castle built on quick sand
Full of smoke and distorted mirrors
Reflections of light dancing around the rooms mixing with the death and darkness and mildew growing
I grew into a monster in this golden castle
I couldn't see up from down, left from right
Just distorted images all around me

And you died in my arms tonight
At least I got to hold you one last time
And stroke the hair from your wet eyes
And it's time to say goodbye
And blow out the smoke from the rooms
And build my own castle on strong foundations
It's not so glamorous. But it is real and full of wondrous windows to views of who knows where
And step by step I walk towards the light. And look out and beyond.
Just cautiously I peer out. Just cautiously I put my hand up to the light. And I wonder.. I wonder what adventures lay out there for me
The landscape is being painted as I speak
The colours are becoming brighter
The view more enticing. A glimmer of hope is born in my chest.

I turn to you
And I lay my hand on your chest and thank you. And tell you I am sorry.
And tell you I love you.
And I say goodbye.
One salty tear dropping to mix with yours
And we are connected. As I let you go and set you free. I say goodbye my dear. Goodbye.

This was written after a heart-wrenching break-up. Felt more like death.. I am still peeling myself away from my love who is now just a memory..
Khairul Ahsan 13 December 2013

It's wonderful. Deep emotions expressed.9/10.

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