Bush Poem by Herbert Nehrlich


Rating: 2.3

I am not smitten with the man
or what he does, day in day out.
I wonder though, just why there is
a veritable hurricane of lies
blasted like unforgiving arctic wind
at him as if he were the culprit,
a villain extraordinaire, mais ouis.

'Ami', says Schroeder privately,
dumm, ein Texasbauer, peasant
with stetson and that longhorn shit
for brain, no European would conduct
himself or this great orchestra
with such incompetence, no way.

'All hurricanes can now be safely blamed
on George, he did not sign the paper',
a fruitcake by the name of Trittin,
says 'Amischwein you did not do
what all the people wanted, your neglect
of the environment has brought
you punishment, so well deserved.'

Al Qaida adds 'it is the wrath of God'.
Another voice wants to be heard,
somewhat anonymously, it says
much money was withheld from New Orleans
to pay for warring in Iraq, and troups,
most of them sent to battle overseas,
and no one left to help those bastards,
who were, by their own frank admission
black as the night, and sins occur,
as we all know, most likely in the dark.

Four years ago the editors of SA
predicted a disaster of unknown proportions
was waiting in the Gulf of Mexico.
They did not mention that the president
would be committing this indictable offence.

Mahnaz Zardoust-Ahari 12 September 2005

Very nicely put......I didn't vote for him but (unfortunately) he is the president. I don't get into politics too much but it seems the last few years it seems all that I hear is politics and all the conversations lead there.

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Ronberge . 11 September 2005

I enjoyed this piece very much. We can malign this man so much without blaming the weather on him! I wonder if anyone has pointed out the obvious in this disaster...that those most affected by it are black and poor? And the ones buying guns are white... Anyway I enjoyed it very much. Thanks Herbert R.

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Theorem Thetruthserum 11 September 2005

His incompetence is very clear. Good write about it. You got many perspectives about the situation and they are all brought together quite well.

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