Call To Honor Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

Call To Honor

While being wounded and facing Taliban fire,
Despite suffering shrapnel wound as he fired from a gun turret,
His mind was only on was how to save his brothers; that was his only desire.
To bring them out alive and unhurt.

All he thought of was to Lead, by Example and give up everything for the fight,
That was something that only a Few strong enough to join him
As he and two other Marines dodged heavy gun and grenade fire they went out to do what was right.
And that was to save the lives and recover many of their Strong Brothers on a day full of grim.

Even today he rejects being a hero,
He said, “If I was a real hero then I would have brought them back alive.”,
As he stood there trying to hold back tears and going through what no else will feel or know.
This is why we are here to say thank you and your brothers and you, for your determination, and drive.

I need to thank the Lord for in my life. I am here writing something to honor the Marine, (Sgt Dakota Meyer) that was given the Medal of Honor for saving his Marine brothers. It is hard to read article after articles and to be able to feel the truth that went on that day. I know that I will never be able to live his life, but I am here to try to show him thanks for what he and his brothers have done for the families of his Marine brothers. Yes, Marine brothers, that is the words that I used in this post. Marine is a term that many Americans wish that they could carry the title of being a US Marine. To many they do not even care about these words: The Few... The Proud...The Marines... But on that day those were probably the words in his heart as he risked his life.

By Frank Pulver Sept 23,2011

Here goes something that I am going to try to get published in the Marine Corps Times to honor Sgt. Dakota Meyer
Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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