Cats Sleep Anywhere Poem by Eleanor Farjeon

Cats Sleep Anywhere

Rating: 5.0

Cats sleep, anywhere,
Any table, any chair
Top of piano, window-ledge,
In the middle, on the edge,
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody's lap will do,
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard, with your frocks-
Anywhere! They don't care!
Cats sleep anywhere.

Friday, June 27, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: cat
Polly 21 February 2019

Anybody can write such a lame poem! Cats sleep any where, any table, any... 🤢🤮

6 93 Reply
Jojo Horrocks 14 December 2022

This isn't a lame poem; perhaps you just don't like cats?

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Gajanan Mishra 27 June 2014

cats sleep anywhere, good writing, thanks.

22 4 Reply
Sir villiger 10 October 2019

True but I like the poem itself

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Practicing Poetess 27 March 2017

Cute, and true! I like it!

7 2 Reply
Jojo Horrocks 14 December 2022

I learnt this poem in primary school, I am now 52, I could still remember some of it, but definitely the authors name. It is such a sweet innocent poem, and very true of what cats actually do! I find nothing lame in this poem at all!

26 1 Reply

I learned this in school. Teacher made whole class individually recite a new poem each Friday morning. I still remember it 35 years on

14 0 Reply
just some girl 13 June 2022

love this poem so so true! ! !

2 0 Reply
robot 38526730 21 March 2022

this is a really goo poem!

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M Asim Nehal 12 July 2021

Sleep is more important than the place. Fabulous poem.

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