Cauldron Of Life Poem by Kathleen Reguindin

Cauldron Of Life

She sleeps, centuries dormant
Everything quiet, no rumble or grunt
Within her, no fumes and gases, still …unreleased.
At her base lay villages, all at peace.

One early morning, while everyone still slept
A tremor was felt deep within the earth
Suddenly, from her vents
Thick smoke spewed, gases expelled
Decompression intense!

Havoc wreaked … everywhere gray ashes
Billows of darkness, skies polluted.
A violent explosive eruption
An event of scary proportion!

This came to pass, many moons ago
Where life once existed and fields grew verdant and green
All pitifully covered in ashes, life slowly choked away.
Villages abandoned, no sign of life seen
Nothing remains, just decay.

Man walks through life with a smile on his face
Of anger and animosity, no trace.
A gentle disposition and friendliness
A state of balance, everyone senses
He takes time to say a few pleasantries
Life seems to be in total equanimity.

No one will ever guess he wears a mask
Deep inside, disappointments and conflicts have built up
Questioning the direction life has taken
Prayers unanswered, unfulfilled aspirations.
Cursing life, himself, for mistakes and foolish decisions.

Middle age is upon him, alone in life
Fear and insecurity reign … life has passed him by.
Frustration has built up, so far all kept in check
Life and work pressures adding to his sorry deck.

The volcano, after it spews its built-up pressure,
Fiery and violent energy expelled
Goes back to sleep, dormancy restored.
A man whose anger consumes his entire being and soul
In danger of self-destruction, unreleased turmoil.
Better for his peace of mind and well-being
To release anger, rather than suppress it and let it fester.

But I tell you not to let anger grow bigger
Lest we end up like a volcano erupted
From our mouths angry and vile words spoken
Once they’ve been said, harm has been done
People close to you leave, relationships broken.

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