Children Poem by lizzy Sydney


Children are flowers
Always growing
Fast and slow
Tall and short

And every single one
Is different in a way
Blooming at their own time
When they are ready to mature

Usually bright and cheery
Spreading their good cheer
Making people smile
As they spot one on the way to work

They are all different colours
Yellow, black and red
Yet they are not racist
Against one another

They don’t always co-operate
But in the end they do
Some are big and some are small
But they’ll play till the day is through

For everything there is a season
Eventually they will die
Needing nurturing to thrive
Needing each other to survive

pleasse review I value your opinions greatly

Melvina Germain 03 June 2007

Lizzy I truly enjoyed reading this marvelous tribute to our children. I can't say it enough, children are our future, and must be treated in a most loving way that prepares them for what they will have to do. If only we would look at them knowing they are God's gift to us and must be nurtured and treasured and of course loved. I love your poem Lizzy, a big (10) from me. I hear tell that welcoming is in order, please then allow me to welcome you also to this site of poem hunters and lovers.--Melvina--

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Dee Daffodil 02 June 2007

Lizzy...You've done a great job, of describing children! ! Awesome poem...keep up the good work...and welcome to Poemhunter! ! Hugs, Dee

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Marci Made 01 June 2007

You are writing about my greatest loves, children, and you have done it so very well........marci :)

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