Childrens Book-Eighteen's A Dozen And A Half Poem by Christine K. Trease

Childrens Book-Eighteen's A Dozen And A Half

Would you like to be told something that is bound to make you laugh?
By all calculations eighteen's a dozen and a half!

Although twelve is but a dozen, twelve can be quite fun
If you have a dozen happy friends to play with in the sun.

A real two dozen does consist of twenty-four,
And that's a lot of broken eggs when tossed upon the floor!

A nice, round three dozen does consist of thirty-six,
And that's a lot of ice cream cones for little tongues to lick!

If you want to overwhelm yourself, four dozen's forty-eight,
And that is way too many peas for my dinner plate!

If you want to hit the big time, then sixty is five dozen,
And that's a lot of angry bees when they are mad and buzzin'!

Six dozen is twelve more than that for a whopping seventy-two,
And that is way too many bears for our local zoo!

My favorite, seven dozen, means that there are eighty-four,
And if you add it up you'll see that's twelve more than before.

Eight dozen is twelve more than that, for a total ninety-six.
That’s way too many scraped up knees for my mom to fix!

If you want to pass one hundred you will have to count nine dozen.
Nine dozen is one hundred eight, and that's a lot of cousins!

Ten dozen is an easy one, it is one hundred twenty.
Ten times are really easy even though they total many!

Eleven dozen's tougher, it's one hundred thirty-two,
But slowly touch and count them and it won't be hard for you!

The final twelve dozen is one hundred forty-four, and....
although it's not as fun as eighteen, it's a whole lot more! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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