Civil War Of The Sister Cities Poem by Nika McGuin

Civil War Of The Sister Cities

Things weren't good from the beginning
we were pitted against each other
our relatives would boldly compare us
as if we were deaf beings from another continent
but on the contrary, we took that stuff in
and it formed the basis of our relationship

Though we described our bond as
'close, ' 'like sisters, ' we still spent
all twenty-something years fighting
either directly or covertly
about which of us is better - at this,
at that - at life. But I'm tired now,
my sword grows heavy and I'm ready
to let it sink into the earth

This war is unwinnable
even when I feel utterly defeated
you still don't feel that you've won
maybe you finally will, when I am gone.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: competition ,family,friends,jealousy,letting go,relationships
Daniel Brick 05 April 2017

This poem details the worst kine of war - one with no objective and thus no ending, .It's just two persons of strong personalities and even stronger wills who won't budge. The speaker reveals how much they have common but it just makes them evenly matched. Is it old age or emotional weariness that makes one declare a truce? It may be too late. I hope not: imagine the stories they could share with delightif they just turned the intimacy of competition into the intimacy of friendship. They need a Good Angel to nudge them toward a different kind of victory - mutual forgiveness! !

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