Come Into My World……. Poem by Abhijit Surve

Come Into My World…….

Come hold my hand and walk into my world,
Where feelings and emotions together are curled..
My world is untouched, colorful and bright,
Come see the sunshine and white moonlight..

My world is quite lonely though big and spacious,
Your presence will make it beautiful and gracious..
My world might just not be pretty, clean and neat,
But there's fragrance of love, the air smells sweet..

Come to my world and accompany me for a while,
We might just end up seeing each other in smile..
Lets have a good laugh or a cheer and a giggle,
My life has a question, come solve this riddle..

Come unlock my shackles and set my spirit free,
Enlighten my world, end the inner darkness in me..
Together we shall live in close comfort and pain,
Be with each other in storms, cold winters and rain..

Come with your smile, help me wipe away my tears,
Your presence will help me detain all my fears..
Come whisper in my ear, for your voice is so pure,
When my soul falls ill your soft touch is the cure..

My world may be simple with no boundaries or gate,
You'll find only love, there's no place for hate..
Stay forever with me, together we shall always be,
Trust in me, close your eyes and you'll see what i see..

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