Constant Ponderings Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Constant Ponderings

Rating: 5.0

A ptero-dactosaurus in the prae-historic past
is in fact an ordinary reptile at last

far in the earliest of history a very huge reptile
constantly flying but only for a while

its sort refers to a now-extinct group
of winged reptiles known as pterosaur-group

I remember the Greek pteron,
also the Greek wing and on

daktulos, meaning finger,
although no dinosaurs, that linger on my finger

this flying reptile thrived during these periods
often seen among the dinosaurs in movies as flying idiots

these are constant ponderings
to those periods

where these flying idiots
may have flown and spread their wings

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Tuesday 4 May 2021

Constant Ponderings
pteron = πτέρυγα in greek means wing Inspired by the poem of Stephen Harris.Enjoy this wordpun
Sylvia Frances Chan 04 May 2021

ADDITION to POET'S NOTES: Inspired by the poem The Pterodactyl by Stephen Harris. Thank you.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 04 May 2021

these are constant ponderings to those periods where these flying idiots may have flown and spread their wings. The DISTANCE between these two couplets are too wide/great. Till now I cannot correct these. I dislike mistakes.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 04 May 2021

remember the Greek pteron, also the Greek wing and on, ........ this is one cuplet and not two different lines

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Sylvia Frances Chan 04 May 2021

Just published and there are TWO great mistakes (not by me!) . Dunno HOW to correct this. This is very irritating for me to KNOW that.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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