Control Poem by Randy McClave


A man has full control of his body
Always have and he always will,
Whereas a woman has not full control of her own
Unless she has permission or takes a pill.
They say that new life is not responsible for poor decisions
I'm guessing that includes when a woman is raped,
Now inside of her they say it's meant by God
I wonder if the terror in her memories ever escaped.
I read and I heard many sad, sad stories
About children being abused and put in a cage,
What I still can't fully understand
With that born child, why isn't there any anger or any rage.
In Exodus 21 of the Holy Bible
If a man strikes a pregnant woman that causes her to miscarry,
A monetary fine of the guilty is then imposed
The money is given to the child's father to whom the mother did marry.
When others talk about religion
And then when they talk about birth and abortion, murder and death,
I still remember in the Bible what God had said
Life begins at the very first breath.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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