Corpse Doesn'T Speak But………… Poem by SALINI NAIR

Corpse Doesn'T Speak But…………

Silence balances here
But the mum is not persistent
Some speaks to its wilderness
But the corpse is still silent
It's a hue around
Whispers are not yet silent
Then why the corpse is silent
Why the greet is not on the way
What keeps it to numbness?
Some vigor may withdrawn
But was it in its side
Never saw anything around to left
Then what left
Why this stillness to the corpse
Till now it was vibrant
But the stillness captured by some shake
But the silence seize the words
Till now converse in different lingo
At least one may linger
But the tongue is still inside
Hands and legs controlled the world
But now it's steady and still
Why the corpse is still while others are lively
Science speaks with vigor
Can we charge it with science?
But the energy will burn its coat
Medicine never takes it to life
As it was failed before
Then the corpse will decay
But slowly
But stink
Need to bury
For decades it will keep silence
The bone will speak
At last only silence speak
A good passage

But still the corpse is silent

But there speak many lips
That not left
For its good and worst side
All are different versions
Still the corpse is silent
But decades speak
According to his acts on earth! ! ! !

©2014 SALINI.S.NAIR. All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: death

A beautiful poem and liked it.

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Geetha Jayakumar 28 June 2014

Very Thoughtful write Salini. Very true said, with many captivating lines.. Medicine never takes it to life..... But the tongue is still inside... Though corpse is silent but decades speaks its act of good or bad on the earth.... I loved reading each wonderful lines.....

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