Counting Dreams Poem by Jim Yerman

Counting Dreams

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Fate is a capricious mistress…we don't know from where our destiny stems…
With some people luck seems to ride upon their shoulders
While with others…misfortune follows them.

What follows is the story of a man to whom fate has been unkind…
It's as if to a life of misfortune he has been confined.

Without going into details…his life's been filled with sorrow and heartache and pain…
but every time life knocks him down…he gets back up again.

He stands up tall…massages his wounds…and after a little while
amidst his sorrow and his sadness…he finds a reason to smile.

A good friend once asked him, "How do you do it?
How do you not let your sorrow show?
Is there a secret to your happiness…if so…please let me know.

His answer was a simple one…nothing too extreme…
He said, "The key to my happiness has always been in my ability to dream."

"After a dream's come true or has been shattered…what I've always found redeeming…
Is the happiness that exists in the simple act of dreaming."

"When fate hands my dream a disappointment and I feel I'm losing my self-esteem…
as I watch the dream before me fade away…I just dream another dream."

"When a dream is over…good or bad…I'll take a moment to rejoice…or cry
then I remind myself there are as many dreams as there are stars up in the sky."

"And I'll choose another star to dreams on…and if that star leads to a scar…
I look back to the heavens…and choose another star."

"I guess what keeps me happy." He said, "is when each day is through…
I'm not counting all my dreams that have been shattered…
I'm counting all my dreams that have come true."

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