Dark Society Poem by Ishrat khan

Dark Society

They sell their soul to a devil
To achieve fame and money they commit all evil
Considering him Lord they worship all seeing eye
Who's a deceitful deceiver and comforts with a lie
Satan is victorious over creating the group called illuminati
They invite him by exercising sorcery in their secret society
Their agenda is to enslave the world with uttermost mutilation
To a humankind such a group is a great humiliation
They are the successor of so called plan of attack 9/11
After the devil promised them that they'll enter heaven
They practice rituals which are filthy pervert
They drink the blood of children after they exert
Consumption of adrenochrome believed to make young
It is extracted from little ones after their neck is wrung
They sacrifice their lovings to prove to be one of them
One who oppose; to him the death is condemned
Many Celebrities use hand symbol of triangle for dark messiah
Biochemical terrorism is what they use as thier weapon of fitnah
Many unexplored and hideous secrets lies in the dark web
It's hugely gruesome action done after the world is slept
Kidnap rape and murder whatentertains the Satan
One who prostrate him; in the end he'll be forsaken
Corona virus the pre planned plague now causing depopulation
Their aim is to control and wipe out through the knowledge of domination
He is Al Dajjal whom they believe he's fallen angel lucifer
He will make his people blind and take them along in hell forever
He's being prepared and adored to be welcomed on this earth
The one who is truthful will be saved from God's wrath
Kaafir is the word on his head; he'll say 'I'm God believe in me'
Upon his command the sky will rain to make his people glee
He's Short and curly haired followed by 70 thousand Jews
He's a great tribulation to weak imaan except the believers of few
O Ummah of this nation! strengthen your faithand establish fear
Turn to Allah before your dead bed for the crucial and last hour is near

Thursday, April 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: truth
Me Poet Yeps Poet 30 April 2020

light a candle u r living purposely in the dark be not stark nude nor naked light up ur and will still be a human being like PPME who always lives with a lit candle even during daylight the sun smiles and feels shy has it's light diminished he bows and asks PPME you all also one day will

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