De Stilte.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

De Stilte....

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Zoveel Stiltes, Maar Er Is
Slechts Eén Echte Stilte….

De stilte van de nacht
de stilte van de dag

de stilte van alledag
de stilte van elke nacht

er is maar één regel correct:
de stilte van de nacht

ook al muggen zingen en dansen in dit donker

de stilte heerst
ook al vechten mannen 's nachts
het lijkt erop dat onze oren falen

ook al worden 's nachts oude mensen beroofd
Niemand lijkt dit te weten of heeft dit gezien

ook al spelen zoveel krekels op hun harp
en onze oren oorverdovend maken
Niemand heeft deze wezens horen spelen op hun harp

ook al schreeuwt mijn geliefde in zijn nachtmerries
niemand durft
om dat aan hem te vertellen

toen hij wakker werd en vroeg de meid:
"Was ik gisteravond zo luid? "
zij antwoordde gehoorzaam:
"Nee, meest geëerde heer, geen geluid, zelfs niet uw zucht...."

A.D. Zondag 2 juni 2019 - 9.01 V.M.

This is a translation of the poem The Silence.... by Sylvia Frances Chan
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: humorous
So Many Silences, But
Only One True Silence….

The silence of the night
the silence of the day

the silence of everyday
the silence of every night
there is only one line right
the silence of the night....

Sunday 2 juni 2019 - 9.01 V.M.
Kumarmani Mahakul 03 June 2019

At night we feel silence and and at day time too in certain places. Silence greatly motivates mind and helps us to feel this universe. Screaming in his nightmares we feel still the truth at night. Light we feel too with respect to wisdom. In silence every tiny creature sing and dance. A great natural poem is excellently penned. This poem has deep insight that all will agree..10

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Thank you so very much for your constant support and the precious and valuable response upon this poem, feedback, your worthy comments and compliments most appreciated. Your words do mean a very lot to me.

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Thank you so much, dear Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir, The sounds that we truly can hear in the deep night, but we deny that, then we call that silence, The Silence. All people can hear that, but is always denied then we can speak of The Silence....Thank you for your precious visit and the 10. God's Blessings be greatest for you and your beloved family.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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