Die Victoriously Die Poem by ART PAUL SCHLOSSER

Die Victoriously Die

She's coming
She's going
And your never really knowing
The moment you think it's over
She's just beyond your shoulder
Ready to give you a kiss
She is your scary wish
I know I sound a little morbid
But how would you feel after what she did?
Maybe I'm letting my emotions get away from me
Emotions from her fleeting beauty
But even if it is fleeting, it is still beautiful
Like a sunsets afterglow
Or a snowy morning
Love comes without warning
Life doesn't leave you a notice in the mail
Like a weatherman saying expect hail
Besides the weatherman is often wrong
Life is an unexpected song
Fate plays funny cards
You never know when it will throw you a joker
So don't trust the stars
Even if the night is clear
Be wise to the unpredictable
And pray to God for mercy
Everyday offers a new road
A new truth to know
Another chance to grow
Open your eyes to see
Find truth and be free
It's not to late to turn the key
Open the door
Take a chance and explore
Why do you ignore?
Your deep urges from within
This chance may never come again
You may think I'm talking about sin
But rather I am talking about life
Love, nature and flying a kite
I am also talking about doing what's right
Not Tomorrow, Tonight!
Why tamper with success
Fight the good fight
Make your life the best
Romance with true romance
Even if there is no chance
Dance the most beautiful dance
Like an eagle soaring in the sky
Fly ever so high
And Die Victoriously Die!

Sunday, November 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,life,victory
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