Diet Coke Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Diet Coke

Rating: 4.8

I eat to live not live to eat
but I can still enjoy my food.
As I am quite sure I should.
I dine on vegetables and meat
because I know they do me good.

I do not frequent fast food joints
to eat cheese hamburgers and such.
I do not really like them much
Which does not earn me brownie points
from friends with whom I keep in touch.

What suits them does not suit me
They are quite free if they prefer
the food the fast joints can offer
AS for my self I’d rather dine
on wholesome food I get elsewhere.

My friends are mostly overweight
Because they choose convenience
and really cannot see much sense
In eating what I advocate
They see my views as sheer nonsense.

But I am slim and fit while they
are frankly fat and ill at ease
in other words they are obese
and yet they still feast every day
on hamburgers with melted cheese.

Of course they all drink diet coke
a fact that still amuses me.
Although they drink it constantly
I do not think they’d see the joke.
I ‘d rather they were fat than me.


Jennifer Perryman 25 August 2007

Hi ivor, Excellent poem, and very funny. I have one problem, I love cheeseburgers I am not fat, I only weight a hundred pounds, I hate diet coke. I love classic coke. This is wonderful, as all of your work. Bravo, ivor They made me give them my real name, so if you do not know me, I am Jenna Day.

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Who's Erwhatsit 28 June 2007

Funny, true, and all while follwoing the same rhyme scheme. You are a master!

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Too true, Ivor. If people spent more time taking care of themselves than meddling in others affairs, just think how healthy the world would be. Nice one.

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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