Domestic Violence Poem by linus gerald

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence! Domestic violence till when
Get down together and sort out the blame
Why go physical setting your own house on flame
A negative reputation of own blame

Hey men let’s stop the hitting
We be cool and always chilling
Forever the house will be smiling
Just try these if you think am kidding

Ladies lets control the words
Imagine of the days you were pals
The sweet sayings that were traps
Revisit these and he will be ups

Why not take head-on the responsibility
Because we both have the ability
If not lets seek the holy trinity
And our house will be that of divinity

It is of no need to be together
Yet in all realities we are asunder
Take charge and provide as a father
I play my role and nurture as a mother

Domestic violence deprives and kills
Emaciated and disturbed become the kids
For years and years the family remains still
Having stress and voids which have no fill

If drinking alcohol is the cause
In the house sit and take meat as the pause
If both parties in the house wanna be boss
Sit together delegate and cut the clause

Achieng'' 04 September 2019

Awesome rhymes, with a take home message

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Sarah Loves 28 March 2010

how about you just leave the situation all together? Move out on your own. You will truely be free, your kids will be safe. Shalom.

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