Don'T Know How To Explain! Poem by Esther Aftab Anwer

Don'T Know How To Explain!

About this inside pain!

No one knows those promises you made,
Few years ago though gone so fade!

May I ask u remember this face u found so pure,
Among the mean glitters around; were you unsure? !

Old memory hits me so hard it surrounds only you; have i gone insane,
Sure I know all this is in vain!

U left me without saying a word,
Heart aches though no hurt of sword!

Wounds that u gave hurt more than a sinners pain in hell,
Was I that bad to deserve the worst I would want you to tell!

Deep down in your heart I was innocent you know,
I admire your consistent lies you made me believe you, I know!

The kind of love n concern you got was all that I had to show my purety towards you,
I wish I had read in the start itself; would save me my times and emotions that weren't for you! !

I know u were undeserving you must be sad inside out! ! ! !
You lost someone like me who loved limitless gave all I got! !

Though your selfishness will one day,
Sure will knock u down on the way! !

Though i tried to forget you,
From the scenes I erased you! !

Don't remember who you are,
We have gone so far! ! !

You were never mine,
Now all looks so fine!

One day you will try hard to find me,,
Even you do it's no more kind me! !

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