Don'T Miss Him Any More Poem by Umasree Raghunath

Don'T Miss Him Any More

I giggled like a kid when he was around
Life was all happiness to surround
Lot of things transformed for good
I enjoyed my days, nights and food

But as the days went by
Things were more provoking for a bye
A formal breakup in a beautiful relation
I know that is not my fashion

I cried like a dead fish in the water
Nothing of prominence became a matter
To me everything was being with him
But I know for sure, this is in a grim

Maddening was my thoughts to go
Life was miserable and always to fro
Food smelled bad to taste or eat
Sleep e haunting with memories threat

Phone calls made me jump with jerk
Chances to see him in distance brink
Made me cry in pain forgetting where I am
I lost my charm and all my glam

Raged me in the fire of anger
Anger for some solid decisions made
Wanted to kill things and tamper
As the memories of good days began to fade

Possessiveness made me cranky to go behind
Self -esteem stopped me from running ahead
Lost his solid love and all his trust
Burned my thoughts that were of lust

Days together I kept thinking again and again
Every night was miserable to pass through in pain
Nothing other than his images reached my brain
I know my time, thoughts and trust is in vain

It took me days, months and years to make it
Finally made my mind, to call it Quits
That's the end of him in me
What so ever in future to be
Slowly but steady I regained what I am
I know for sure that I am out of the sham
A person who showed me what true love is
Also showed the pain of breakup to be

For a person who had the power to love
Should also have the guts to part is my tow
This is a little piece of advice to myself
For I know its not easy to deny yourself

A person who ran for me with a single call
May not be calling me anymore to recall
Let me realize the pain of this breakup too
For in life, these lessons are very few

It gives me a new strength as I go all alone
I know, I am in deep pain to frown
It also gives me clarity of thoughts
That I have not made families apart

I know to him, I am no more a person
Nothing but whose just a friend in the past
To me, it's the toughest lesson learnt
For we will not make some one all our life

Shamelessly I lived like his unsaid wife
He showed me the gates of denial in this life
Yet I love him like I did when it all began
With it I would get my life back and regain

I am not going to bury my love that I had
Instead going to bury this relations that is fad
I am not going to hurt him or me anymore
For I think I learnt not to miss him any more! ! !

To me, from now on, he is a distant memory
A memory of happiness, joy and love
He is there in my life always in the pages gone
For I learnt to look at the new turns to go on! ! !

Date: 14 October 2008
Umasree Raghunath

Umasree Raghunath

Eluru, AndhraPradesh, India
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