Don'T Move On Poem by Danielle Fraser

Don'T Move On

Everyday I live in fear that you'll get bored of me
Or I'll do something wrong and you'll find somebody better
You say that you love me but it's only been six months
And I'm just scared you'll get over me I waited for you for so long helped you through hard times and made you lie to yourself
For that I'm sorry but I just don't wanna see you go.
That neckalace you gave me. Well when your not around I cherish it And I cherish that your in my life
Now that you say you will never live
Promise to everylasting life that you will always be here
I hope your right because I can't live without you.

Danielle Fraser 14 August 2012

Thank you for the correction Adeline, I was in a rush earlier as I was typing this one and must have accidently mistyped. I really appricate the help. I will have to go read some of your poetry now.

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Adeline Foster 13 August 2012

Ah, Danielle, so early to be entangled so. May I point out that three times you have used your when you really meant you're. Your means belonging to you, while you're is a contraction of you are. Read mine - I Have Delighted - Adeline

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