Doomsday Thoughts Poem by Tigers Dancing

Doomsday Thoughts

For All The Would Be Preppers Who Aren't Quite Ready Yet…

The camping gear in pride of place
My rucksack, quick to hand;
a month of food, important books
a line, some simple fishing hooks,
a detailed map of our land.

Binoculars, a sleeping bag,
plus water purification -
hidden, buried, in the car,
ready, near to where we are,
for any situation.

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish,
The world we know would fall apart
I'm ready for the thing I want
Life can't be so mundane - just can't!
I'm ready for it all to start.

No more dragging through my job
Just, JUST to pay the bloody bills.
No more gloomy, dead end life, no
more Blake's dark, satanic mills.

I want it all to end, to stop
I want to lose an awful lot, but
I want my family to survive;
to be there on the wall of life
to make it through and be alive.

A virus is no good, unless
turns out my family's all immune
(perhaps except for Uncle John -
he's never been my favourite one)
Let's hope it happens soon…

and a Walking Dead style zombie world
belongs inside a game, but then
it would be great to smash some heads
when there's no real consequence
except safe sleeping in our beds…

It would be really cold without
the heating though - remember
that time when the boiler broke
for three days in December and
we had to stay on the sofa under
blankets the whole time?

And always starting up a fire
To put our morning coffee on?
And where'd we get the coffee from?
The rate I drink, I think we'd soon
run out. And then - what would we do?

I hope the world won't end tonight.
I can forgive my grotty life
for the sake of warmth and kettle on
And the joy of browsing Amazon
And convenient night time light.

Inspired by everything seen or heard on the TV and radio on 21st December 2012 (and by my own love of warmth and coffee) !
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