Dreamworld Poem by Claudia Krizay


Every place I look my world is caving in and
Everything I touch falls to pieces-
I had never felt at home within the old brick house I grew up in and
Though only in my dreams I saw a tornado touch down and
Destroy this house and my family inside-
Clouds come and go and obliterate the sunlight and
Even though the sky is a stunningly picturesque shade of metallic blue-
Every place I look and everything I see-
I see no further than my mind's eye-
Inside of my mind tornadoes are touching down destroying
The essence of this world, clouds obstructing my line of vision and
The sun? Either hidden behind thunderclouds leaving me
Inside complete darkness of oblivion or so bright that its intense rays are blinding me?
The trees- yes, the trees are strong enough to stand the force of the wind-
Trees are my strength and the wonders of the world
I have always behind, always hidden behind and
In my most vivid fantasies have been my sorcerers and my protectors-
A tree shall never perish or be uprooted if I touch it and
I can be a bird, a squirrel or a monarch butterfly
If not just inside the place of my flight of the imagination -
Tornadoes may touch down, snow may fall and the sun may burn out but
By becoming a resident of the wild as my animal and reptile friends-
I can hide behind, inside of or just upon a limb looking down
At the glory and enchantment of the wilderness where
Nobody is cruel, nobody mocks or misunderstands me and
Then everyplace I look the sun will be shining but I shall
Adore the natural light it gives and stand beneath the shade of the tree
When that light becomes to intense to withstand-
Today the sky is that picturesque shade of metallic blue and
All signs of severe weather have disappeared?
I have resigned from reality and made myself a home in the backwoods
Amongst my plant and animal friends and I see no further than my minds eye
Which has dismissed the cruelness of the human world and
Tonight when the moon is full I shall sing a melodious tune with the nightingales and
Dance in celebration- celebration that I have come to realize that
Nobody has to tolerate being tortured and misunderstood-
Even if it is just resigning to one's land of their delusiveness-
There is always a place to run and a place where a person can make
A home for themselves as nobody deserves to live in pain - you can
Just close your eyes and imagine and your dreams shall carry you away…

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