Driven Life Poem by Antonio Liao

Driven Life

Rating: 5.0

at the step of God beginning tells the
threshold of God's purpose, the majestic
creation of the universe

in every beginning there is always the
blueprint of its purpose, of what effects
gives to other existing beings

as the architect designs the best of his
work, all the edge and every angle has
already anticipated as to what is the out-
come and the loophole

God takes all the zooming light, viewing the
most delicate parts of his creation, as
the troop of angels carry the weight of
the holy water, the master planner has
already foreseen the weakness of his

the creator has welcome all the unforeseen
and unexpected things to happen, for in every
inch of his work, the architect is part of it

manuals of the existence of life had already
printed, since the beginning of time, the
books of the prophets and their lives have
guaranteed all of what to live according to the
will of what the heart knows

there is always the purpose of why the heart
moves and driven by the soul, it’s the ultimate end
that deep in our faith, hope is always there to
carry our joy to the Father where the destiny of
one is the fulfillment of all created things in the
universe of a God-driven life

Catrina Heart 17 February 2009

PURPOSE DRIVEN of my favorite, this is a very nice spiritual composition Antonio.........10+++++++

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