Drunk Enough To Have Reached You Poem by Windsor Guadalupe Jr

Drunk Enough To Have Reached You

I drank one from the chasm and gorged myself,

How it surged from the body is far from the mundane –

Groggily, I have weaved to entangle mirth with grim

Enchanted enough to have sculpted your face

From the thick mist that surrounds me

The inebriation preyed upon me: puny and hapless

The scarce sanity in the city never did much

To rouse the normalcy of this lamenting fool


I confess to you,

As if a child flat on his knees,

Impaled to a bed of sins,

That I am drunk, drunk enough to recognize

The loneliness in the passing of time

Through the straight arrays and beams

Of the clocks, the sturdy body of the pendulum

Darling, I am drunk, and I will not be home

For supper, for morning éclair and festivities

I am drunk, inside this body – caged and isolated

Yes, as a drunkard far worse and farce,

I am drunk with melancholy,

And there is no potent tonic

To give me sobriety


I am fastened by the smitten Sun

Over my flushed, crimson face

Again, I am drunk – Dead asleep,

Slumbering, immovable

I am drunk, with the loss

That I have bathed myself like water,

Or regret, or love, possibly anything in between

For I am drunk from the viscera,

Impoverished, frowned upon and frowned within,

Lynched by the desolation, this kind of drunkenness

Is what all men of abandoned states

Have drank to – yet not enough to submerge

This indescribable phase of sleeping in the

Vivacity of the wakeful populace


And so, I do not know,

And maybe, I will forever be stationed

To this cell for solitary confinement as if to say,

I am drunk enough to have written inebriation

On a blank piece of paper intimate with a pen,

But not drunk enough to have inspired

Your eyes, your concern – to rebuke you,

And come back to me, and bring me back to life

Restored, anew, invigorated with fulminating zest

Alas, it is far from, like a star I gaze upon at night

As I relish and lament simultaneously,

In this drunken state of soliloquy.

When will I ever see you again with mine callow eyes?

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