Duskiness And Brightness Poem by Oyekake Satty (O S) Joshua - Amopho

Duskiness And Brightness

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In the midst of a such marvelous day
Among the soft whispers of the wind
The fragrance of tulips and Amaryllis
Surround and fills the air with spring
I pondered to absorb the morning lush
A whisper, a sudden reflection of life
And the folks we meet along the way
For two kinds of people come our way
The one whose presence ruins your day
And the other, who makes it worthy
A day of discovery and expectation

Then I beheld her afar, her dreariness
I felt the coldness of a winter’s chill
Even afar, her countenance is grief
Transmittance of utter discomfort
Her aura effervesce only repugnance
There’s no clue to a particular thing!
And her presence is such a shudder
I cannot even bear to think about
An indulgence to ruin any moment
I wonder how I could just forget her!
Or to excise her from my thoughts

But then came the sun in full glow
Honest and winsome, without guile
Wearing a countenance of comfort
Her presence, welcome refreshment
That gloominess cannot bear to look
She is a wellspring of hope and life
The epitome of friendship and love
The freshness of spring is about her
The fragrance of tulips and amaryllis
Accompany me every time she is near
And no darkness can dampen my day

Oh, how my personality affects others!
How carefully I must conduct my life
A casual glance, a smile, or a frown
A handshake, a simple hello or a nod
Armed with potential to heal or wound
To lighten or dampen another’s mood
And revealing each time a piece of me

Mary Gordley 17 March 2008

Very much inspiration can be found in your words. Yes, attitude both ours and that of those around us has so much impact on the sort of life we lead. Thanks for sharing this.

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