Easy To Pretend Poem by Danny D

Easy To Pretend

After all what we said to each other
After all what we did together.
We pretend nothing happened between us.
It’s easy to pretend everything is alright.
Easy to pretend love never existed.
If you had to betray me
You, I will never blame
If you had to deny your love
You, I will never question.
Because I know why you had to say so
And my love for you will never change.

It’s easy to pretend that it doesn’t hurt.
It’s easy to put my best smile forward.
And show I have no pain.
Only I know how much it takes to hide;
The moments my eye sheds rain.
Dreams of having you by my side;
I know have been in vain.
Everyday I die a little more inside.
Knowing I may never hold you again.

It’s easy to pretend and act like strangers.
And not say a single word or talk.
It’s easy to pretend I don’t want to know
What you doing right now.
Trying to pretend I don’t care.
When all I can think of is the hours
And hours I spend talking to you.
Listening to every single word you said.
Hoping your voice will ring in my ears forever.

It’s easy for you to ask me not to love you.
It’s easy for you to ask me to sacrifice my feelings.
It’s easy to pretend you have fallen out of love.
Though it’s easy to pretend
Deep down you will always be the one I want.
Given you all the love I had
I can never fall in love again.
But with you I can fall in love a million times.
You will be the one I want to love.

It’s easy to pretend, how long can I fool myself? ? ?

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