Encrypted Poem by Vision Ghost


When empathy is lost in anger and I am blind
To all those harsh things I have said so unkind
I guess it doesn’t matter a damn anymore now
As I fall to the ground with blood upon my brow

It was pouring out of me so drunk and so hateful
Confined to a brief happy moments so regretful
How so much potential; always ends somehow
Realign myself back again to the here and now

And realise the hurt I caused when I didn’t see
How I was behaving and letting it all go free
Unfeeling in my harsh words and twisted voice
Leaving nothing for the human heart to rejoice

So I stagger back to myself again in remorse
And somehow let this grieving run its course
May as well plead guilty when it’s all stacked
Against me now before the eyes I tried to retract

Knowing I will never get back what it was then
Lost my voice to explain; like paper without pen
To express as it was too late and no reason hears
As I abandoned myself to so many relentless tears

Can I ever move onward and let all this go forever?
Think it best I turn away from the pains’ endeavour
And put it away somewhere unread by other hearts
Let it go in pieces, conclusions and tearful parts

A great regret forever engrained upon my soul
Arms of comfort are gone as now I’m not whole
As the final pieces I will let go and now discard
Like the crystal that has lost its completing shard

I’ve put it away to somewhere dark and unseen
Maybe one day when I can figure out the scene
And find a way to untangle what was confused
Lost in the back of my mind with emotions fused

Alison Smith 26 June 2007

We play such mind games upon ourselves.. First to protect then to deny... The web we weave is strong... Dont spin it so tight that you are forever trapped... Alison

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Vision Ghost

Vision Ghost

Epsom, East Surrey
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