Envied Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar


Digging deep,
For signs of credibility...
Being swept along streets,
To catch between the grated holes...
A mass marketing sweeps,
Those of vacant minds into consumed
Materialistic hysteria!
Keeping back orders of ridiculousness in business!
It's amazing this BS is tax free.
It's amazing,
Just how crazed this madness is these days.

The sight of squeezed fat ugly butts,
Into imaginations stretched beyond...
Digusting jellied guts.
To hide a gluttony of sad habits.
Like a 'secret' tote that's puffed,
From that 'weed' folks can not give up!
As a few stand by and watch...
This drug infested simmering stew brew!
It's amazing this BS is tax free.
It's amazing,
Just how crazed this madness is these days.

And as amazing as it is,
It does not daze or faze at all!
The unconscious have been immunized.
Once dumbfounded and surprised?
Those eyes are now glazed.
It's amazing this BS is tax free.
It's amazing,
Just how crazed this madness is these days.

Those in this 'conditional' situation,
Ride this gutter ride as if it is envied.
As if this life of dismissed consciousness is sought,
By those thought to be kept at bay and disadvantaged!
And those used to maintain those images...
Pray for the salvation of their sanctuaries,
To stay off the radar for such 'missionaries'...
To advance upon them with these teachings of their ways!

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