Epilepsy Poem by Gabriella GabbyRo


Only 11 years old,
I start the worst time of my life- Jr. High,
On a computer game- I “fall asleep” then twitch and fold,
Mom thinks I’m playing- she realizes I’m not and starts to cry.

Mom rushes me to the hospital as quick as she can,
The nurse she is knows something’s wrong,
I “wake-up” and realize I’m in the van,
My ears are ringing like the crash of a gong!

Doctors and nurses send me to neurology,
Tests, exams, and a brain scan,
What is this? I don’t understand this anatomy and physiology,
MRI, CAT scan, and EEG too- doctors tell me to focus as hard as I can!

Hour after hour, so we’re finally done,
I’m sent to a pediatric neurologist- from this I’ll never be free,
Cheese and rice hospitals are no fun,
He tells my mom that I have Epilepsy.

My epilepsy is idiopathic- whatever that means,
I don’t understand- I want to throw a fit,
This has pretty much ruined my life and dreams,
Boredom is replaced with confusion and sorrow- I start to cry a little bit.

6th grade- I explain to everyone because they don’t understand,
Hmmm… Can I still play Trumpet in the band?

7th grade- They now make fun of me- they taunt and tease,
They just don’t understand- Just cut me some slack please oh please!

8th grade- I got this epilepsy under control- the teasing begins to stop,
Some still think I’m lying to get a sympathy prop.
Life is getting better in a way,
But meds and doctor visits are a lot to pay!

Freshman year- We’ve all gotten over it,
But the heat of marching band brings the seizures back a little bit.
I’m scared it might happen any day or at any time frame,
This fear is kind of a shame.

Sophomore year- It’s all but forgotten,
Those who haven’t seen a seizure- they stare, scared and shaken.
Seizure control is getting easier,
The easy-to-ignore seizure jokes are getting’ cheesier!

“You’re Epileptic? ! ” they ask,
I laugh, explaining is no longer a difficult task
No, I’m not epileptic- I’m unique, I have Epilepsy,
It’s not who I am, it’s merely a part of me.

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