Ex-Lovers Met In Fb Poem by Efren Petalver Carranza

Ex-Lovers Met In Fb

Rating: 5.0

Their love was once sworn
In churches and on trees
Their names were written
Yet quickly forgotten

Earlier in life, she left
To California to be exact
Arrive in SF
At no place to start

Thereafter two decades
Of mailmen just passing by
She married first
While he waits her prize

Now FB reign its purpose
Connecting those who were lost
Friends of friends come enforce
They found each other at no cost

Unfinished book re-opens
Of their love sworn once
By saying hello instead
He wrote: "How are you my love? "

FB: A Community on Line [In My Opinion]

Ah! The Wanders of the Minds: How we made Zach rich and famous.
FB is a mouthful of information, an eyeful of entertainment: full of action, full of drama. It's a community, where you can go to churches, play games, concerts, shows, dine out, and all sorts of things that matters about life shared by the interests of its residents known as friends of friends.

While there is this thing I call "trivial addiction, " you're logged on once again - very much like an urge to a walk into the neighborhoods with your dog named Mouse.

As a wanderer in the "New Post Lane, " your likes and comments are ways of waving to your neighbors while Mouse is sniffing at some graffitists' arts on somebody's fence also known as the FB Walls.
Timelines are our homes with clear boundaries to visitors if we allowed them to come in; therefore, our privacies remain locked from the chosen ones.

When Zach was creating FB - though since in the beginning, it has drama - Utopia does not exist; or it will be… if we are all stuck in a daydream… and that all our circle of friends are positive thinkers. We are the-live-residents in this cyber-world-community, so whatever theatrical posts we put out on our "homes" reflect our personalities. But the truth is Zach aimed for these [as shown in the movie "The Social Network; " therefore, it differs none to our "real world" from his tests before he put FB to public users. It worked. He connected our past in to the present; unfortunately, some were destroyed, deleted, or disconnected due to the fact that human emotions are variables and yet well all have critical eyes and unique minds to interpret things that are displayed and stated.

While some users lost friends, relatives, or even spouses, others gain dedications amongst them. While others are stationary, some are active/addicted [let's face the truth], that ‘vacationistas' often leaves their homes for games in what I call "Playgrounds" in the FB community.

We have so many options in to this community and I doubt it will fade sooner than of what happened to Friendster. In fact, I love all the possibilities of what I can do in my home - as probably to others - and the "often we walk in to our neighborhoods, " visit or invite friends, the richer Zach and his shareholders become… while we are, of course, enjoying his ultimate creation!
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